Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Window Men

9:50 am: Two guys with rectangular heads who could be twins, burst into my room with a briefcase.

9:51:  It turns out the blockheads have brought tools of various kinds. Starting with hammers, they begin doctoring my window.  

9:52:  They are chirping back and forth to each other in some serious dialect and I can't understand a word of it.  They seem to be adding something important to the top of the frame.

9:54:  I can't go back to sleep as the window men have begun obnoxiously hammering different parts of the window arbitrarily like they are trying to find its knee so it will make a little reflexive kick. 

9:55:  The power drills are out now, they seem to be set on loud.

9:58: The preferred drill setting has been changed to really loud.

10:00: The window is open.  They are chasing a piece of paper around like a renegade butterfly, trying to prevent it from flying out into the street.

10:02:  One of them continues to drill while the other explains something to me, he keeps mentioning 17 like I don't know my room number...or maybe this is the amount of windows he has doctored this morning.

10:03:  The drills are finally returned to the briefcase, it seems the blockheads have replaced the metal rod-like thing that used to control my sci-fie movie window shade, with a dangly string apparatus.

10:05:  The Window Men demonstrate the dangly string apparatus.

10:11:  Still demonstrating.

10:14:  They take their leave, thanking me multiple times like I just allowed them to do something so important that now they can both die in peace.

Posted above is the only photo I could manage to discreetly snap with my computer.

10:16:  Unfortunately I can't fall back asleep...maybe I will go to class today.

1 comment:

Noah said...

Asphincter says what?