Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Straight Up America

Yesterday Sam took me to a drive through convenience store.  Yes, that.  I couldn't believe when we pulled into this tunnel-like structure that there was even a man who would get whatever item I pleased for me, so that I wouldn't have to leave the safety and air conditioning of my automobile.  I struggled when he asked me what I wanted.  Everything looked so fucking convenient.  After some careful deliberation I went with a blue Gatorade and handed the man exact change, trying to reciprocate the spirit of convenience.  I could never imagine one of these "Cruz Thru's" in Vermont, and the more time I spend in other parts of the country, the more I realize how different VT really is.
Sam thought it was hilarious how I kept talking about the place and couldn't get over the fact that we didn't have to get out of the car.  I decided that the drive through convenience store was "Straight up America," and would probably fit right in with the view that people all over the world have of this country.  Although come to think of it, it's not as "Straight up America," as the McDonald's that's located inside the local 24 hour Wal-Mart...or the 12 places where one can get fast food breakfast here, Biscuitville, Waffle House, and IHOP just to name a few.  I guess shopping for guns and edited CDs just isn't the same without a Big Mac, and who wouldn't want a choice when it came to where they ate their eggs.  Either way, you have to admit... That's fucking convenient.

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